
The social media network's net income grew 17% in the July-September period to $9.19 billion, buoyed by strong advertising revenue, up from $7.85 billion a year ago.
The British broadcaster is again going after a successful woman of color who has spoken up about her mental health struggles.
Donald Trump has become the latest in a long line of U.S. presidents to meet Queen Elizabeth.
They'll try to rearrange each other's face, not the furniture, on Saturday.
Drinking alcohol profusely is encouraged at most work events and the rejoicing together the next day with a unanimous hangover.
Ruqsana Begum is a British boxing champion who wants to encourage other young Muslim girls to get fit and strong.
The 105-carat diamond was given to the British as a gift by an Indian king, and was not stolen, India says.
This strips away the veneer on U.S. dental supremacy.
The pair reportedly took hallucinogenic plant brew ayahuasca near Iquitos in Peru.