Buffalo, New York

The CNN anchor exploded at the press secretary's defense of the president's baseless smear about a Buffalo, New York, protester injured by police.
Graphic video showed two police officers shoving Martin Gugino to the ground, seriously injuring him.
The protester, Martin Gugino, 75, was hospitalized after the encounter.
The mayor said the union “pushed” dozens of officers to resign from a special unit after two were suspended after an older man was injured when shoved backward at a protest.
Two police officers were suspended without pay after shoving a peaceful 75-year-old protester, who ended up in the hospital.
The comedian gave an insightful lesson on police brutality after a Buffalo officer pushed a 75-year-old protester to the pavement.
Two police officers have been suspended after disturbing video of the incident offers a glimpse at how police are responding to peaceful demonstrations.
The convicted rapist began his 23-year prison sentence near Buffalo, New York.
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, who recently wrapped up an investigation of clerical sex abuse in the Diocese of Buffalo, denies that he molested a former altar boy.
Just over a week ago, the eatery was blocked from opening a San Antonio location.