
Drowning is a leading cause of death among children — and it's on the rise. Here's how to minimize risks this summer.
Experts share their advice for teaching kids to fight systemic racism, now and at all times.
We asked our readers to share their stories about parenting and taking care of children during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of their stories.
Experts share advice on how parents can help their kids learn how to bounce back during the coronavirus pandemic.
Using an emergency declaration citing the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration expelled 600 minors in April alone.
A Utah state trooper was surprised to find a “very underage driver” behind the wheel … who also had just $3 in his pocket to buy the sports car.
Officials say most children will only contract mild cases of the virus, but some have developed a rare inflammatory syndrome.
Hiding behind screens? Falling into old behaviors? Here are five signs your child may be struggling with COVID-19 pandemic-related stress.
Coronavirus and social isolation have upended daily life for families of children on the spectrum who thrive on routine.
"In this time of the coronavirus, keep your kids safe, make them feel loved and feed them. That’s all."