
Up until the patriarchal revolution, both Fridays and 13s were held in the very highest esteem. Both the day and the number were associated with the Great Goddesses, and therefore, regarded as the sacred essence of luck and good fortune.
It didn't take long for others to add new endings, endings where Jesus did appear to Mary Magdalene and finally to the 11 disciples. Those endings are usually printed in italics or in brackets in most Bibles.
Did Jesus go to Jerusalem to get himself killed? If he did, why, in the tinder-box atmosphere at Passover, did it take him so many days to get his wish?
Death was more than something for him to endure, just so he could rise again. Jesus' execution forever writes an identity upon him, as indicated in the Gospels' accounts of his resurrection.
It is not that Luke lacks correct information about Paul. It is that he interprets all he has from the viewpoint of at least two generations after Paul.
Love in the Bible, like love in our everyday lives, is important, complicated, and too powerful and mysterious to be fully defined or grasped by any of us.
Some people abandon their nets because they hear good news worthy of our lives. Sensing God's kingdom drawing near, they reshape their lives in response to God's call. They drop everything and go another way.
In the world of Christian scholarship, for example, to read the Bible literally is regarded as absurd. To call the words of the Bible "the Word of God" is more than naïve.