civil war

Republican incumbents have been challenged and beaten by more extreme right-wingers.
Some have died for our country while others have died because of our country. They all must be honored.
Claims that the Confederacy didn't fight to uphold slavery are disputed by Confederate generals themselves.
The monument was placed on private land and dedicated to "Unknown Alabama Confederate Soldiers."
Unless we demolish the racist systems that continue to hold back black Americans, we cannot end the drug epidemic in America.
There's so much more than the Civil War to celebrate.
The president is advocating rosy memorials for former enemies of the state.
There's a reason you won't find many monuments in the South to one of Robert E. Lee's most able deputies.
Katrina Pierson's comment did not go over well with Wendy Osefo.
"Late Show" host busts out his impression of a Confederate general.