Climate Crisis

The 16-year-old climate activist arrived in Madrid by train after sailing by catamaran across the Atlantic — all part of an effort to use carbon-free transportation.
As global temperatures rise, plans for dealing with the climate crisis are all but silent on the oceans and the plight of the coastal seafood industry.
To save the world, we must follow the money, climate campaigners say.
If temperatures rise to the levels forecast, countries around the world should expect destabilization, said the island's prime minister.
Protesters calling for a Green New Deal and other steps to combat climate change disrupted traffic in Washington on Monday morning.
She sits alone outside the Swedish parliament in the picture.
There's still hope if we act fast, experts write in the new Exponential Climate Action Roadmap.
Turns out there would be plenty for the Democrats to debate, should they ever get the chance.
Support for the idea is especially strong among Democrats and independents.
The 2020 Democratic candidate's climate plan offers a detailed vision that would expand public ownership of utilities and make electricity “virtually free" by 2035.