
The firm Davis Polk said that its decision, affecting Harvard and Columbia students, is "appropriate" to "provide a safe and inclusive work environment."
Research suggests humans are so hyper-focused on the face in that box that we don’t let our eyes and minds wander as much during remote meetings.
His tweet suggesting the woman might be a "freak of nature" sparked furious backlash in the medical community.
The Pennsylvania Republican candidate is now a "professor emeritus" at one of the nation's top medical schools.
Cornell, Columbia and Brown universities all reported threats on Sunday. The alerts followed similar threats made at Yale and schools in Ohio in recent days.
It was an "open secret" at Columbia University that Suzanne Goldberg dismissed victims and protected the administration, student sexual assault survivors say.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg left an indelible mark on the United States Supreme Court. Here’s how.
As the East Coast gets drenched and the drier West Coast is ablaze, climate change may not be the only factor.
A petition calling for the move said the university could not claim to value Black lives while "forcing Black students to live in a building named for a slaveowner."
"I encourage you to consider what the true needs of your Black classmates are at this moment -- are you truly needed in their space?"