“The knowledge that the next generation will be better off for what we do here -- can we imagine a more worthy reward than that?"
80 artists from 19 countries installed street art across the city this weekend.
"What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it."
Commuters were asked to ditch their cars or work from home in order to avoid gridlock.
Pope Francis, Vivienne Westwood, and Ban Ki-moon contributed their shoes.
The only climate-change deniers he's met are the ones in Congress.
Republicans are using the year-end budget battle to block funding for a program crucial to the upcoming talks.
In the years ahead, the public will see if local leaders can deliver substantive results if national leaders cannot.
The much-awaited 2015 United Nations Conference on Climate Change will continue as planned in Paris. Only now, there are higher hopes.