Criminal justice reform in the United States

The South Bend mayor's plan, named after abolitionist Fredrick Douglass, aims to tackle systemic racial inequalities across the country.
Kamala Harris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are pushing to reduce recidivism and homelessness by helping ex-offenders find stable housing.
“Expungement, for the most part, is not done with just a snap of the fingers and all the records go away,” says a criminal justice reform advocate.
Kim K. was back at the White House on Thursday as she continues her criminal justice reform efforts.
The wins show growing liberal support for criminal justice reform.
In an interview with HuffPost, Booker called the 1994 law “awful” and “shameful.”
Nolan, who pleaded guilty to racketeering in the 1990s, became a leading conservative voice for criminal justice reform after a stint in prison.
It will not be called "Keeping Up with Kriminal Justice Reform."
The 4/20-friendly ice cream brand says marijuana legalization without criminal justice reform is "half baked."
The reality TV star is making a habit of leveraging her celebrity for criminal justice reform.