
Victoria Gray received the CRISPR treatment, which can modify a person's cells, one year ago. Today, her life is markedly improved.
The scientist has not been seen for several days, according to local news outlets. But officials from He's former university say he has not been detained.
CRISPR-Cas9 has the ability to change everything about our world. Here’s why it's awesome and why it's scary.
“There’s a real question if whether the fear of AIDS and AIDS stigma became a way of recruiting parents into this research."
He Jiankui of Shenzhen used a powerful new tool to alter the DNA of twin girls born this month in China.
Which events are memorialized and which disappear from history?
These little piggies could soon save millions of lives.
Unless we pay much more attention to ethical and social choices, we risk turning the promise of gene editing into disaster.
One day, it might be able to target fatal genetic diseases in children and adults.
Results of the peer-reviewed study are expected to be published soon in a scientific journal.