Critical race theory

Glenn Youngkin's victory showed that parents can be a winning coalition for Republicans. Next up: the midterms.
The Rutgers professor has received death threats from racists, who want to silence anyone who calls out white supremacy.
In the new era of high-turnout elections, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin found a way to persuade voters and pave his path to victory.
"[Youngkin] said it so many times you'd think he was trying to summon it Beetlejuice style."
The Fox News host said critical race theory is un-American "Nazi stuff" after admitting he doesn't understand it.
The anti-CRT push wasn't an obvious success at the local level, but the conversation about how to teach race in schools isn't over.
The former secretary of state also made controversial comments on critical race theory as a guest co-host on "The View."
The remarks were "in no way to convey the Holocaust was anything less than a terrible event in history," said the superintendent.
A school district official in Texas is in hot water after telling teachers that Holocaust lessons should include “other perspectives.”
A school district official in Texas is in hot water after telling teachers that Holocaust lessons should include “other prescriptives.”