
Sandra Oh, Neil Patrick Harris, Patrick Dempsey and other stars show that laughter is good medicine.
“I don’t want to die” — healthcare providers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic are fearing for their lives as they care for patients without adequate protective equipment.
Former Vice President Joe Biden urged President Donald Trump to use his presidential powers after Trump questioned how hospitals can go through so many masks during the coronavirus pandemic.
Skyrocketing coronavirus deaths and infections among doctors and nurses reveal stories of bravery, betrayal and a total lack of preparedness.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, a steadfast source of information during the coronavirus pandemic has been missing from a number of briefings and people want to know where is.
"This is Rare Disease Week and I learned the hard way ... that most medical folks haven't encountered them and simply won’t be able to help when issues arise."
Dagmar Turner played the violin as doctors removed a tumor from her right frontal lobe to help preserve her music skills.
Here’s the most nutritious produce you should eat daily — if you aren’t already.
The Alabama State Senate has now passed one of the strictest abortion bills in the country.
President Donald Trump hashed out dangerous lies about abortion during a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin.