Doug Jones politician

President Donald Trump previously said Moore "cannot win" if he faces incumbent Democrat Doug Jones.
The Senate's most endangered Democrat says he doesn't intend to change as he gears up for an extremely tough 2020 reelection fight.
The president said the "consequences would be devastating" if the former judge challenges Democratic Sen. Doug Jones in 2020.
The former Alabama judge and Senate candidate responded to a GOP rival by tweeting, "If I win, I will beat Doug Jones," though he didn't last time.
The Alabama Republican accused of sexual misconduct and assault argued he unfairly lost in 2017.
Who exactly led the efforts remains unclear, but the funding sources trace back to progressive activists and tech billionaires.
The Judicial Crisis Network is already spending $1.4 million to pressure red-state Democrats to vote for nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“I believe we’ve finally reached a tipping point on gun violence."