
While filming in Italy for the Rick Steves' European Easter special, which will air across the U.S. next year, my crew and I came upon some startling, amazing and moving scenes.
Later Christian tradition put Jesus' last meal with his disciples on Thursday evening and his crucifixion on what we call today "Good Friday." We now know that is one day off.
Here are some simple, yolk-free crafts you can do with your kids this Easter season.
That was where Jesus spent Holy Saturday: in a dark hole in the ground, doing absolutely nothing. It was the Sabbath, after all. His friends had worked hard to make sure he was laid to rest before the sun went down. Then they went home to rest too, because that was what they did on Saturdays.
So, what exactly do Egyptians say for Easter greetings? Christians tell each other "`Ied Qiyama Magid," "Happy Feast of the Resurrection." But all Egyptians can wish each other: "Kulle sanna wa enta tayyeb." May you be well every year!
Like Jesus, we thirst for God's healing, restoring presence in our own pain-wracked lives. Our souls are parched and dry for it. God willingly quenches it -- abundantly, fully, now and forever.
"And a young man followed [Jesus], with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him, but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked."
Rather than write another article on slavery and the serious issues facing our world, as Passover approaches, here is my Top 10 List of Enslavements, areas that I think are crucial to look at and explore.
It didn't take long for others to add new endings, endings where Jesus did appear to Mary Magdalene and finally to the 11 disciples. Those endings are usually printed in italics or in brackets in most Bibles.