El Salvador

The woman's legal team criticized her treatment, but ICE says she has 24-hour care in custody.
My Mami doesn’t fully get it. She is a good Catholic woman. This daughter is not.
Stalled by bureaucracy and lack of transparency, it's helped very few.
I never thought it would be like this in America. I thought kids like me who are running for their lives would get help.
Officials say current efforts have gained traction.
The Central American nation registered more homicides in 2015 than in any year during its civil war.
The virus is suspected of causing birth defects and a rare autoimmune disorder.
Over 5,000 people have tested positive for Zika virus, including 96 pregnant women.
Critics have accused the administration of a hemispheric bias against Central American refugees.
The Central American country is on track to become the homicide capital of the world.