eric adams

The ex-president departed Florida in his private plane while the nation’s largest city bolstered security ahead of his expected booking and arraignment.
The "Last Week Tonight" host brought out the receipts as he educated the mayor about one city agency's choice of words.
The mayor said he wants shop owners to ask people to take off face masks before entering their stores in an attempt to prevent shoplifting and robberies.
Democratic Mayor Eric Adams drew backlash for saying a week earlier that he "can't separate" his Christian beliefs from his government duties.
Despite his vow to uphold the U.S. Constitution, Eric Adams said he “can’t separate” his Christian beliefs from his public duties.
Gov. Kathy Hochul called the first legal sale of adult-use cannabis “a historic milestone in New York’s cannabis industry.”
Disability and mental health experts told HuffPost that the plan echoes historical legislation that has left homeless and disabled communities isolated in the past.
Adams said Tuesday that he had spent thousands of dollars on rat mitigation efforts. The hearing officer was satisfied, and the fine was dismissed on Thursday.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Hollywood stars like Samuel L. Jackson joined stage veterans at Monday's dedication.
The nation’s first mobile “Test to Treat” program, launched Thursday, will expand to 30 locations by the end of July.