
The Trump campaign asked for donations in exchange for signed copies of the Fox News personality's book.
Ken Salazar's "lucrative spin through the revolving door" is reminiscent of the pay-to-play system that has grown under President Donald Trump.
For restaurant workers, choosing between financial ruin and a risky work environment is no choice at all.
"G'night. Fight for Democracy again tomorrow!" tweeted Walter Shaub.
Patti Davis warned "the image of a president who has a moral compass" is fading from our collective psyche.
At least 11 department officials have cashed out for jobs with fossil fuel interests, lobbying firms or other private companies.
The freshman Democrat denied any relationship with her staffer, but admitted to having an "inappropriate" relationship with someone else before she was elected.
"Judeo-Christian moral standards are like God’s instruction manual for ... the best operation for human society," said the attorney general.
Parents open up about how they're raising caring and empathetic children.