first amendment

The business mogul wants to shut down an anti-Trump clothing store for trademark infringement.
The Founders said no to a national faith and no to religious tests for public office.
An appellate court ruled the Constitution doesn't apply with equal force on the high court's plaza.
A recent court ruling out of New Hampshire has ignited a debate on whether laws banning ballot selfies violate the Constitution.
A St. Louis County spokesman suggests community service is on the table in similar cases.
An often-forgotten battle for free speech rights started when the activist took a stand to take his seat.
Which makes Twitter one of the bureau's best informants.
"This is a huge victory not only for the Constitution but animals and consumers."
As we witness yet again the brutal and bloody consequences of religious intolerance in the form of ISIS, we have a majority of Republicans pining for a Christian America. Proponents of converting the United States into a theocracy do not see the terrible parallel between religious excess in the Middle East and here at home.
The Supreme Court ruling is another giant leap toward theocracy. We are descending to new lows, where non-Christians are openly scorned, made to stand up in public to be identified as outcasts.