flint michigan

Lead exposure can impair brain function and cause miscarriages, and yet millions of lead pipes remain in use.
With Water Box, a portable filtration system created with support from Jaden Smith, First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church hopes to help ensure residents' access to safe drinking water.
The tech billionaire committed to helping the Michigan city in July in response to a Twitter user.
Emily Sioma won plenty of hearts with her activism, though New York's Nia Imani Franklin won the pageant.
Scott Smith now says there was no scientifically known reason not to use the water for bathing.
City and state officials said they received little advance warning of the decision.
The whistleblower who exposed elevated blood lead levels in Flint children says the decision is premature.
The justices left in place a July 2017 ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that revived the litigation after the lawsuits were thrown out by a lower court.
The conservative media giant dominates local TV in the troubled city, where people say the press hasn’t raked nearly enough muck.