Forgotten Fact

Human rights groups have raised the alarm over proposed aid to repressive regimes in Sudan and Eritrea as part of efforts to control migration.
A shadowy new militant group is blowing up the country's oil infrastructure.
Europe, desperate to stem the flow of refugees and migrants, has offered the fragile country help to stop migrants from leaving.
In a place where disappearances and torture are common, brave individuals are taking to the streets.
Horrific conditions in offshore detention centers have led to an epidemic of self-harm.
"The people of Fallujah are dying a slow death," says the city's exiled mayor.
Many of President Dilma Rousseff's loudest critics are embroiled in their own corruption scandals.
Over 200 girls were captured from a Nigerian boarding school in April 2014. But the kidnapping spree didn’t stop there.
Icelanders already didn't trust their government, and the leak has only made things worse.
Three hundred children are missing, but the Nigerian government remains silent.