Heather Heyer

The charges against James Alex Fields Jr. include hate crimes resulting in death and bodily injury.
Spike Lee slammed Donald Trump’s response to Charlottesville at the premiere of his film “BlacKkKlansman” at Cannes.
In Charlottesville and St. Louis, Eze Amos and Robert Cohen document pain and love in their communities.
Jonathan Gilliam disparages the Charlottesville victim as he sits in on the Fox News show.
Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, says she refuses to speak to President Trump after his remarks that equated violence from hate groups to counter protestors like Bro's daughter.
The family of Heather Heyer mourn the world’s loss and call for action after her death in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The family of Heather Heyer mourn the world’s loss and call for action after her death in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"I cannot even imagine what Mr. Heyer is feeling right now," said Michael Nutter on the show.
President Donald Trump went off on reporters when asked about the KKK rally in Charlottesville, VA
GoDaddy told the hate site to find a new host just a day earlier.