When you don't have the option to trade in your shadowy studio for a light-filled bungalow, use these tips to let the sun shine in (or, at least, to make it feel like it is).
(Except for when it comes to the whole building furniture part.)
Everything's better when you're greeted with a tail wag.
We all have that friend: every time you go to her house, everything is in its place, the counters are shining, and the toilet doesn't have that pink ring around the bowl.
Home stagers reveal their tricks on how to highlight a home's strong points -- and distract from its weaknesses -- to make it a more inviting, functional place to live in.
Pets, cigarette smoke, pungent foods—they can all make your house smell bad. Queen of Clean, Linda Cobb, gives us her best remedies for getting rid of funky odors and creating a fresh-smelling house.