
Jonah Hill hurled an anti-gay slur at a paparazzo in California, and the interaction was caught on camera.
Arizona's attempt to let businesses refuse to serve LGBT people on religious grounds sparked significantly more bipartisan outrage than Republicans' similar efforts to allow companies to refuse to cover birth control.
It hardly seems to go well for stars when they criticize the gay community.
Would-be donors should consider whether "doing the most good" might mean supporting one of the many other effective and reputable charities that provide for the needy without engaging in anti-gay beliefs, policies, or political activities.
Looks like "Ender's Game" author Orson Scott Card is in hot water yet again.
Seems like not much has changed in the world of Chick-fil-A. After the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act on Wednesday, the restaurant chain's president and chief operating officer, Dan Cathy, apparently tweeted an anti-gay response to the ruling.
There's an advertisement in a Dayton, Ohio newspaper offering $25 Chick-fil-A gift cards to every married, heterosexual couple that attended a May 19 event honoring "biblical marriage."