
Jimmy Fallon started the hashtag when he posted that he'd whispered to his hand sanitizer, “You’re like a son to me.”
"I'm not bored. I'm not bored. I'm not bored," the veteran Olympic hurdler joked of her house routine during the coronavirus pandemic.
Astronauts spend months alone combining work and home environments in space. Here's what they suggest.
The retired astronaut, who was the second person to walk on the moon, developed a simple strategy to protect himself.
In her first of five videos, she was optimistic. In the last, not so much.
The hashtag #QuarantineCats took off on Twitter Monday.
As COVID-19 pandemic fears grow, experts explain what quarantine, isolation and social distancing would entail in the U.S.
Such an intense level of constant loneliness is unhealthy for anyone.
The website's aim is to create a truly unique experience.