jeff flake

All eyes now turn to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who has yet to announce her decision.
If either Susan Collins or Joe Manchin votes yes, the judge will be confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Sens. Susan Collins and Jeff Flake are among those who haven't said how they'll vote on the Supreme Court nominee.
No Republicans have said they will vote against Kavanaugh, although four have not committed to supporting him.
Sen. Susan Collins called the investigation "very thorough."
Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath about his drinking — a lot. Jeff Flake doesn't want to judge.
Sen. Jeff Flake and other key senators on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination blasted the president's attack, but might vote for the Supreme Court confirmation anyway.
We have been here before, and we will likely be here again. The real test is whether our collective anger can sustain.
Yet the Supreme Court nominee already appears to have told a string of falsehoods.