Jim Jordan American politician

“It is infuriating that these three men are allowed to show their faces in polite society," said the "Full Frontal" host.
The Fox News personality attacked MSNBC's Chuck Todd, claiming Vladimir Putin doesn't "hate America as much as ... these people do."
The State Department witness flashed some attitude during questioning by Ohio Republican Jim Jordan.
“I think the whole Republican Party will eventually FOLK THEMSELVES!" the actor-artist captioned his latest artwork.
Democratic Rep. Peter Welch snapped back when the GOP congressman ranted about the whistleblower at the impeachment hearings.
"I wish Jim ... would stand up and do the right thing and admit [he] knew what Strauss was doing," the former referee said.
The president of the United States retweeted a Twitter account that describes itself as "@realdonaldtrump's butt."
The GOP congressman repeatedly claimed that the president wasn't serious when he said China should investigate Joe Biden.
The university stated in its annual crime report that Dr. Richard Strauss committed at least 1,429 sexual assaults and 47 rapes during his 20-year tenure.
Survivors say a new report should require the school to take action against the former sports doctor, and that coaches like Jim Jordan had to have been aware.