kenan thompson

"What if blackface was part of your costume as a black person?" asks one.
But a billionaire's penis is "small potatoes," concludes mock "Meet the Press" panel.
Unlike previous comedy competition shows like “Last Comic Standing,” the series will “embrace every style of comedy performance in one competition,” NBC said.
Kenan Thompson joined members of Disney's classic hockey movie for some '90s nostalgia.
When Alex Moffat's Chuck Schumer offers "Trump" "anything" he wants, McKinnon reminds him: "We're not doing that anymore."
"It's awful, everything's falling apart," Alec Baldwin's Trump confides to his angel, Clarence.
What if Donald, Melania and Ivanka were black, wonders spoof drama.
Davidson joked about former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw’s eye patch, and a lot of people weren't happy about it.