ketanji brown jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson is joining the Supreme Court, making history as the first Black woman justice.
The Senate witnessed a double dose of history when Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.
For the first time ever, the court will no longer be a majority of white men.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wants to send the Capitol Police after Jimmy Kimmel after he told a joke on his television show.
The Senate is expected to confirm Jackson on Thursday, securing her place as the first Black woman on the high court.
The Arkansas senator's insinuation about the Supreme Court nominee was apparently "a bridge too far," even on Fox News.
Sarahbeth Maney, Michael McCoy, Jarrad Henderson and Cheriss May are each used to being one of the only Black photographers in the room. This time was different.
The senator served up another absurd GOP slam as Jackson neared Supreme Court confirmation.
Some mentioned body parts. Some cited chromosomes. Others didn't want to talk about it at all.
The Missouri Republican does not use the same language as the more zealous members of his party — but he doesn’t like to contradict them, either.