Kevin McCarthy California politician

GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the arcana of process and take attention away from what the president did.
The top Republican in the House said video games "dehumanize individuals."
As Robert Mueller himself said last week, his investigation didn't clear the president of obstructing justice.
Unlike the president, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) isn't taking the North Korean leader "at his word" on the college student's killing.
The controversy was reignited last week after King asked: “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”
Republicans regularly look the other way in response to the president's many vulgar remarks.
“We’ve investigated this for a long period of time. Both sides have come up with nothing in the process," the House Republican leader said.
The Republican leader warned that the wealthy donors are trying to "buy" the midterm election.
The GOP lacks a clear heir apparent to take the place of House Speaker Paul Ryan.