
Officer Raymond Mott initially said he was working undercover, but later admitted that he was lying.
Items Found Are 'Consistent With White Supremacists.'
Try to spot the subtle differences between tighty whities and uptight white guys.
Hundreds of people taunted each other on the grounds of the South Carolina Statehouse during separate rallies staged by two groups from outside the state.
As South Carolina's Capitol grounds and other jurisdictions decide the fate of their most prominent emblems of past oppression and contemporary reaction, Stone Mountain guarantees that at least one Confederate icon will loom over the South's largest city for as long into the future as mankind can foresee.
Think that if he were alive today, General Nathan Bedford Forrest would embrace Dylann Roof, the alleged killer of nine blacks in a Charleston Church who hoped to start a race war? Think again.
Police in Tinley Park, a suburb of Chicago, are investigating fliers promoting actions of the Ku Klux Klan that were found in several driveways throughout the town, according to NBC Chicago and the Chicago Tribune.