kris kobach

A private plane on standby, weekends in Kansas and a top White House salary, oh my.
State Sen. Dinah Sykes said she was sick of having to answer whether she agreed with Trump's "absurd" tweets.
Her victory over a key ally of the president comes two years after the state overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump.
The latest polling out of Kansas shows the red state might fall to a blue wave.
The latest polling out of Kansas shows the red state might fall to a blue wave.
The state voted for Donald Trump by more than 20 percentage points in 2016. But Democrats are doing really well in the polls this year.
The Republican candidate for Kansas governor has spent his career "stopping black people and poor people from voting," the legal analyst said.
In Minnesota and Kansas, the victory of Trump-style candidates makes GOP wins less likely.
Kobach is known on the national stage for his staunchly conservative views on immigration and voting.
The gubernatorial candidate also accused his rival, the governor, of undermining public confidence in elections.