kristen welker

After a disaster of a first debate, Welker kept Donald Trump in check and asked tough questions of both candidates.
The president delivered the jaw-dropping assertion to Kristen Welker, the first Black woman to moderate a presidential debate since 1992.
"Sorry, she's a reporter," Bill Hemmer corrected the Trump campaign's Mercedes Schlapp, who had called Welker a "bit of an activist."
Voters have just one last chance to see President Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate before they head to the polls on November 3rd.
Earlier this year Trump congratulated Welker on a promotion, and a senior Trump campaign adviser called her "very fair" and an "excellent" choice as moderator.
NBC News’ Kristen Welker didn't miss a beat as high winds toppled light stands during her report on the coronavirus pandemic.
Four women, including MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Andrea Mitchell, will be asking the questions at the November debate.
Pastor Mark Burns later apologized for using offensive imagery.