
This could help us further understand the human brain.
Complex bonobo communication is similar to that of human infants, scientists say.
Many hearing people are surprised to learn that the deaf community has it's own unique naming system. The only true way to get a name sign is to be given one by individuals who are deaf, since ASL is their native language.
Half the population has one, so why, instead of saying vagina, do we use other words that make us cringe? From 'lady bits' to 'cooter,' we investigate the worst offenders, and seek a consensus on acceptable alternatives.
Shakespeare isn't the be-all and end-all of course (that's another of his by the way). English has had its fair share of literary giants over the years who, from Chaucer and Milton to Dickens and even Dr. Seuss, have each contributed words to our language.
One origin story for f*ck is that it comes from when sex was outlawed unless it was permitted explicitly by the king, so people who were legally banging had Fornication Under Consent of the King on their doors, or: F.U.C.K. But obviously that's wrong. And if you do believe that, stop it. Stop it right now.
From the moment sound waves enter your ear and become neural impulses, your brain executes this rapid-fire series of events that few of us are ever aware of, but without which we'd be unable to communicate.
LGBT activist and guest Eliel Cruz shares his take.
Translation affects the oval office in more ways than most people realize. Likewise, the commander-in-chief has extraordinary power to shape policy related to translation and language in general.