larry kudlow

The president is reportedly eager to ease off the COVID-19 guidelines.
With a coronavirus sell-off, the Dow Jones has fallen 26% since Larry Kudlow said investors should consider jumping into the market.
Donald Trump boasts: "We stopped it," apparently referring to blocking travelers from China.
President Donald Trump's top economic adviser spread misinformation about the virus during an interview on CNBC as financial markets tumbled.
“It’s just so unfair that American companies aren’t allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas,” Trump is quoted as saying in the new book "A Very Stable Genius."
During the G-7 summit, President Donald Trump claimed serious trade talks with China are on the table.
The White House economic adviser asserted that Trump could legally demand that private companies cut ties with China.
The island has already made clear it is not for sale.
The head of the National Economic Council says the economy is “in pretty good shape" despite growing fears of a coming downturn.
The president was caught in a lie when he claimed he'd been asked to mediate the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan.