Laura Loomer

Racist, inflammatory and inaccurate content has circulated on far right blogs, news sites and social media accounts.
The noted white supremacist and anti-Semite's rhetoric has gotten him banned from both Twitter and Gab, a social media platform used primarily by racists and fascists.
White nationalists and conspiracy theorists kicked off Facebook and Instagram turn to the encrypted messaging app's safe haven.
Though scammers and conspiracists like Wohl, Laura Loomer and Alex Jones have been banned from their platforms, they keep on grifting.
The president said it was "so great to watch" a video from Alex Jones' conspiracy-mongering website Infowars.
The president's son is going to bat against Facebook for dangerous conspiracists like Alex Jones.
Goodbye to conspiracy theorists and hatemongers like Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and others!
In Instagram posts, Loomer falsely claimed the Muslim congresswoman wants "another 9/11" and stated that "Islam is a cancer."
The “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host also defended right-wing conspiracy theorists Laura Loomer and Alex Jones.
The paper had the notorious troll's playbook for spinning the media, then it let him run every play.