lincoln memorial

Independence Day festivities in the nation's capital will now likely include a Trump speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, reports The Washington Post.
The Covington Catholic High student's suit says the Post “caused permanent damage to his life and reputation” with its report on a Lincoln Memorial incident.
Covington's Bishop Roger Foys says the Kentucky teens' reaction to the confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial was "laudatory."
The student in the video said he received death threats after the confrontation and attempted to clarify that he was trying to help defuse the situation.
The student from Covington Catholic High in Kentucky denied harassing Native American war veteran Nathan Phillips.
Trump's embrace of white nationalism further proves is incompetency as a leader.
The National Park Service said it could take up to two weeks for the graffiti to be removed.
Authorities suspect the elevated levels of parasites that live in snails could be the culprit.