Love and Relationships

Forgo the negative emotions keeping you from true forgiveness. Remind yourself that whatever happened, happened, and that there is no reason to drag the past into your future. Lingering on hurtful memories only perpetuates them. Be mindful that forgiveness is a process, not a result, so perform small, daily acts that are reflective of your intent to pardon
Emotional support is the idea that your spouse cares what happens to you in your day. Emotional support is knowing that you have someone one on your side, cheering you on through the difficult moments. It's celebrating with you in your triumphs. It's being there with you in the quiet moments, sharing in life together.
When that love is not reciprocated or sustained, it can be devastatingly sad, like a death. Like a flower that yearns for the sun until it blossoms completely, until every last petal drops, heartbreak leaves you feeling turned inside out.
We are all interconnected. Relationships come into our lives to shape and mold us into our highest selves. Like the rock formations, seashells and sand are weathered and polished by the ocean waves, we are shaped and smoothed by the forces of our relationships.
I learned to love who I was at my core, and embrace the fact that a good fit for me partner-wise would be someone who cherished the dominant parts of me and didn't compete with them. When I finally accepted this, I met the love of my life.
All couples are bound to experience a fight here and there, but how do you move forward once it's resolved? Make-up sex sounds like a GREAT idea.
Unless there is physical danger, staying in the relationship while you explore and heal your end of the relationship system will serve you well. Once you have healed your end of your relationship system, it will become very clear to you whether or not your relationship has a chance of becoming loving and caring, or whether it is time to move on.
"Look, it's not just that she gets me off... I mean, I need her to be into it too. I can tell when she's just doing it because she thinks it's what I want. And I hate that."
If you want to act like you're single, don't be married. If you're married, don't act like you're single. Like I said, it really is that simple.