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Here's everything you need to know about Macy's Black Friday sale this year.
The three retail giants said Monday that they would stop paying a majority of their employees amid collapsing sales. Almost 300,000 people will be impacted.
This hilarious Macy's commercial parody captures the horrors of dressing kids during the holidays.
Morgan State University's Magnificent Marching Machine was one of 11 bands in the parade.
The annual parade kicks off the holiday season.
The ban includes all of the company's subsidiaries, including Bloomingdale's.
"It was a family program. Not all families look the same. It’s good that all children see that."
"I cannot imagine being bored enough to watch a parade on television," Teigen once wrote.
"The Prom" musical included a gay kiss seen around the world!
The singer quickly addressed the controversy, as did John Legend.