Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn, a regular Fox News guest, claimed Donald Trump would be blamed for "a big gay apocalypse."
Fox News regular Mark Steyn picked up where the now-on-holiday Carlson left off — and he couldn't even get Booker's education right.
Mark Steyn told the Fox News host the idea of reparations is "nothing real."
"In that we're sort of putting on a show about being concerned about black people," Mark Steyn told the Fox News host.
A Fox News host also dismissed the opinion writer as a "dead so-called journalist" this week.
Mark Steyn gives a shout-out to a book the SPLC has described as a "racist fantasy."
A Canadian author supported white supremacists over undocumented immigrants in a conversation on Fox News.
"The illegal immigrants are people who shouldn’t be here."
Mark Steyn said the only ones who acted "freeborn" were on Flight 93.