
The big-screen adaptation of Dave Eggers' novel fails to make a point.
Some women have embraced the word, claiming it for the feminist movement.
“Big Little Lies” is an honest portrayal of domestic abuse that also happens to be a thriller.
At first, Mindy Lahiri was an unconventional heroine of a very conventional show. Not anymore.
Jordan Peele's social thriller is captivating to watch as part of a group in a dark theater, no special effects required.
Despite its image, pop music is dominated behind the scenes by men.
“20th Century Women” confronts some hairy issues. Is that why the Academy wrote it off?
Rachel Lindsay seems absolutely perfect. To become the first black Bachelorette, she had to be.
Season 2 — available for bingeing on Netflix Saturday — is the rare TV narrative that doesn't position relationships as a cure-all.