
A bad sugar habit can hijack your brain, and here's how.
You have the power to turn a negative thought into a positive one.
Simply having fun plays a big role in motivating your behavior.
These psychology-based insights can help you make -- and achieve -- your goals.
We've all hit the wall: that moment when carrying on feels impossible. Polar explorer Alison Levine -- who has skied to both poles and summited Mount Everest -- explains how to persevere when you think you've got nothing left.
We are fascinated by motivation, its origin, how to obtain it, keep it, fuel it and more. We have motivational speakers, self-help books and gurus all available and ready to help us be and stay motivated. But motivation, like so many other human emotions or thoughts, rises and falls, or more aptly ebbs and flows.
"Inspiration usually strikes when you are not forcing it to strike."
I've realized that everyone processes death in a different way. Knowing this means that you don't have to second guess your thoughts, feelings and actions. This is your personal journey, and you're allowed to feel, think, say or do whatever it is that you need to heal.