mount rushmore

"He used OUR Independence Day to tell a majority of our country that we are not welcome here in America," snapped one.
President Trump has proposed a monument featuring 30-plus figures from American history, at a time when many Americans are grappling with tributes to controversial icons of the past.
As coronavirus cases spike, public health officials are pleading with Americans to hold more muted Independence Day celebrations, but subdued is not the president's style.
"HAPPY FOURTH?" the tabloid asked in a swipe at Donald Trump's Independence Day celebration at South Dakota’s Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
There was no social distancing -- and few masks -- in the Mount Rushmore crowd as the president ignored the public health crisis consuming the country.
Guilfoyle, campaign official and girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., was in South Dakota to attend President Trump's Mount Rushmore event.
The site has not had fireworks since 2009 because of environmental concerns.
The administration is holding the event again this year, despite coronavirus concerns.
A total of 7,500 people from across the country are expected to attend the event and be “in close contact for an extended amount of time,” according to the event's website.
National Park officials canceled the annual fireworks display at the monument 10 years ago because of the wildfire risk to the surrounding forest.