National Domestic Violence Hotline

If you're being controlled, it may be time to reassess your situation.
What happened to San Bernardino shooting victim Karen Smith is the sad reality for too many black women.
"Though there are hundreds of shelters for battered women throughout the country, there are almost no safe houses that a gay, bi, or trans man can go to..."
An advocate who's answered more than 50,000 calls to the National Domestic Violence Hotline explains what’s at stake.
An estimated 1 in 3 adolescents have experienced abuse, but few are educated about it.
In Trump's America, undocumented victims may feel they face a difficult choice: Ask for help and risk “outing” themselves to authorities, or suffer in silence.
Do we have to wait until it is our daughter, son, partner or loved one that is victimized by hatred’s effect?
She was granted a restraining order against her ex-husband after a judge found a history of physical violence.
The worst online abusers of women aren't who you think they are.