National Instant Criminal Background Check System

The shooting survivors sued the government over the failure of an FBI-run background check system to prevent the purchase of the murder weapon.
A small step in the wake of the Parkland shooting.
One GOP senator said that maybe Congress should do so.
The FBI issued more than 4,000 orders last year to retrieve guns from people who should have been blocked by the federal background check system.
It comes after deadly mass shootings in Nevada and Texas.
It has to be evidence-based, pragmatic and include a working knowledge of firearms.
Little to no progress made in the fight against senseless gun violence.
The GOP overturned a background check regulation put in place by the Obama administration.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn), who was elected just before the Sandy Hook elementary School massacre, was appalled that Republicans are repealing a federal rule to stop mentally ill people from buying guns.
The expanded background check was a response to the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.