national security council

A National Security Council staffer revealed his "America first" worldview in a March 2016 essay, written under a pseudonym.
Nancy Pelosi is blunt about White House strategist Steve Bannon: He’s a “white supremacist.”
"It’s a stunning thing, that a white supremacist would be a permanent member of the National Security Council.”
Flynn, who recently consolidated national security power, sees Iran as the U.S.'s number one enemy.
"Honest question: Why isn't Bannon holding the pen in the photos of the executive orders being signed? #StopPresidentBannon."
A history of peddling debunked theories won't guarantee you a spot in Trumpland -- but it apparently doesn't hurt.
Lawmakers say the group is bloated, and have been working to shrink it since last year.
The House version of an annual bill would have made the national security advisor subject to Senate confirmation.