
The ruling could set a precedent for similar cases against polluting multinationals around the world.
The blast in the town of Bovenkarspel, 35 miles north of Amsterdam, shattered windows but caused no injuries.
Six European nations moved to ban flights from the U.K. as a new strain of coronavirus sweeps across southern England.
Nations including Germany, Italy and France are moving to tighten restrictions amid fears of a third coronavirus peak.
Walibi Holland's famous oversized teddy bears are testing out another ride.
A man in the Netherlands has some pretty unusual new neighbors and they spend most of the day staring at each other.
The ferret-like animals displayed respiratory symptoms, according to the Dutch Agricultural Ministry.
Police in the Netherlands said they were still searching for a suspect, as well as a motive.
“The gay couple are looking after the egg very well," said a zookeeper at the Netherlands' DierenPark Amersfoort.
The Dutch are so comfortable doing nothing, they have a term for it. Could we benefit from adopting it?