oath keepers

Leaders, members and associates of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers have become the central targets of the Justice Department’s sprawling investigation.
The two men were together just hours before prosecutors said Roberto Minuta stormed the Capitol armed with a gun and bear spray.
Some families planned to attend Trump's "stop the steal" rally like it was a trip to Disney World. Then they stormed the Capitol together.
“Trump said It’s gonna be wild!!!!!!! It’s gonna be wild!!!!!!!" one defendant wrote. "He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!!”
Prosecutors say Thomas Caldwell researched weapons, kept a “death list” of his enemies, and talked about mutilating the corpses of his political opponents.
Video obtained by ABC News shows the Donald Trump confidant flanked by members of the far-right militia the morning of the insurrection.
Charges against anti-government extremists and pro-Trump gang members show a coordinated attack on the democratic process.
Many who stormed the Capitol appeared to employ tactics, body armor, and technology similar to the police they battled.
The Republican State Leadership Committee has yet to denounce state Rep. Mark Finchem’s comments.
The Texas rally included cameos from QAnon conspiracy theorists, a Pewdiepie fan and the leader of a far-right militia group.