
A wave of patients have stepped forward to share details of their own late abortion, hoping to give a human face to what they describe as personal anguish.
The senator said Kavanaugh took a “logical approach” when the Supreme Court justice voted to uphold an anti-abortion law in Louisiana.
Donald Trump's pro-life counselor made the comment in 2007.
The law will protect the landmark decision in the event that it is overturned by the Supreme Court.
It's time to face the very real possibility that the Supreme Court could make it nearly impossible to get an abortion.
The past year's restrictions were particularly extreme.
Dr. LeRoy Carhart is one of the last providers in the country who perform later abortions.
A new anti-abortion propaganda film about a criminal abortion provider exploits women's pain and endangers my patients.
Some occurrences at your doctor's office aren't just "weird" -- they're wrong.
The “crisis pregnancy center” that deceived me is the exact kind of fake clinic that SCOTUS ruled has the constitutional right to deceive women about their reproductive care.