oil and gas

The high level of approvals underscores Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.
The hellish blaze that erupted in gulf pipeline operated by Mexican state oil firm Pemex was reportedly extinguished after several hours.
A federal judge in Louisiana ordered that plans continue for lease sales that were delayed for the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska waters.
After months of smooth sailing with climate and environmental groups, the president and his team find themselves on shaky ground.
“Gasoline supply is coming back online,” he said of the Colonial Pipeline after a ransomware attack. “Panic-buying will only slow the process.”
The nonprofit consortium that oversees much of the nation's building codes just gave the construction and gas industries more control over the process.
The executive order, part of a suite of climate actions, could set the stage for bigger policies down the road.
The clean energy transition isn't Big Oil's only problem. Oil and gas jobs have been disappearing for a long time.
The American Petroleum Institute sent Trump’s Interior Department a lengthy list of demands in March to help it weather the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
The lobbying giant raked in cash from both U.S. oil interests and Saudi Arabia, the nation that launched an oil war that sent fossil fuel prices tumbling.