oil and gas

As the United States eclipses Saudi Arabia as a top oil exporter, the former Texas congressman's vote hangs over his 2020 presidential campaign.
One speaker in the 2017 tape boasts of a petroleum group's links to David Bernhardt, who is now the acting Interior chief.
Critics worry the U.S. Interior Department's plans to ease restrictions on oil and gas drilling could wipe out sage grouse.
EPA Chief Scott Pruitt has resigned amid mounting scandals during his short tenure.
Ryan Zinke oversees the most business-friendly Interior Department in recent memory.
Activists have been fighting with this government entity for years. Now, it's getting revamped.
Any oil and gas development “stands to disrupt this fragile, critically important landscape,” the lawmakers wrote last month.
A sweet deal for companies that already have a sweet deal.
Fuel scarcity has been one of the major headaches facing Puerto Rico, which relies on gas shipped from the U.S. mainland.